Public Comment Period Extended for WOUS Proposed Rule
June 13, 2014

Public Comment Period Extended for WOUS Proposed Rule

EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are extending the public comment period for the Waters of the U.S. proposed rule from July 21 until October 20, 2014, an additional 91 days. This extension is in response to numerous requests received by the agencies. The agencies are continuing to meet with representatives of States and local governments, stakeholders, and elected officials during the comment period. The Waters of the U.S. proposed rule will clarify protection under the Clean Water Act for streams and wetlands that form the foundation of the nation’s water resources.

The agencies have also extended the public comment period on the interpretive rule by 30 days to July 7. The interpretive rule ensures that 56 specific conservation practices that protect or improve water quality and are conducted in conformance with NRCS practice standards will not be subject to Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting requirements for discharges of dredged or fill material. Information about the proposed rule can be found at